Clear Liner (PET)

You may receive label materials with either paper or clear plastic backing.

Major shifts in the paper industry recently have dramatically affected the ability to source material with paper liner.  We anticipate an increase in materials with transparent liner due to what is available in the market. 

Most label applicators should be able to run plastic backing, but the settings will need to be adjusted. The applicator manufacturer would be the best source for exactly what settings need to be updated to run it.

While this is an unavoidable shift, there are several benefits to clear PET liner worth mentioning:

  • PET liner is thinner than liner paper. Rolls with the same number of labels are smaller and lighter, making rolls easier to lift and load onto applicators.
  • More labels per roll create less changeover time.
  • PET is stronger and breaks less frequently than paper, so machines can run faster with less downtime.

Having trouble with clear liner? Reach out with any questions and we'll be happy to help troubleshoot.

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