Cancellations and Refunds

If no work has been completed, we may offer a partial or majority refund, with adjustments made to cover any fees related to proofs or other services associated with the order.

Even if printing has not yet started, costs are incurred during the early stages of order processing, including:

  • Prepress Work – Time spent reviewing and preparing files for production.
  • Order Processing – Administrative and customer support efforts.
  • Merchant Fees – Non-refundable transaction costs from payment processors.

To offset these expenses, refund amounts will be adjusted accordingly.

Once printing has started, most of the production costs have already been incurred, so refunds are no longer possible. However, if your order has been printed but you no longer need it shipped, we may be able to cancel the shipment and refund the shipping cost.

Need to cancel an order? Contact Customer Care, and we'll calculate your refund amount, if applicable.

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